Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Well, at least this is finished...

Now done most of my Summer-work, all that is left is a small packet to answer. I know, a little late, reason is I procrastinated the first month (my chances at my goal are looking great, are they not?)... A week until school, I don't know if I'm ready, but I'm running head first. Wish me luck.

My Summer-work I just finished =]
On another note, could you guys help me out with some followers, it'd be nice to have a better start.


  1. Here's a new follower! I'm deeply impressed by ur work ethic! Keep up the work!

  2. Do yourself a favor and take school seriously. I wish I had.

  3. Do yourself a favor and take school seriously. I wish I had.
    August 17, 2011 9:12 PM

    best advice ever!

  4. Nice to see supportive people, even an Asian complemented me :D (stereotyping to the max, here...)

  5. Jeez, I can't even begin to imagine what it used to be like having to do that much work ahah!
